Community made subtitles

Watch original videos with community made subtitles.

Support creators

Watch original videos with community made subtitles and that way support creators.

No need to re-upload

No need to download, edit and re-upload a video to add subtitles and risk a copyright strike.

Save time

By focusing on just creating subtitles you save time that can go to creating more subtitles.

We have browser extension for mobile and desktop browsers

Google Chrome
Microsoft Edge
Mozilla Firefox
Apple Safari

Thank you to all contributors



How to watch videos with subtitles

We currently support watching videos with subtitles only on Youtube and Weverse.

1. Add browser extension

Add our browser extension to your favorite mobile or desktop browser. See how to do it for Chrome, Edge, Firefox or Safari.

2. Find video to watch

Browse the list of videos or use full-text search to find a video to watch with subtitles.

3. Watch video

Enjoy the video! If you can please contribute.


How to upload subtitles

We currently support uploading subtitles for videos only on Youtube and Weverse.

1. Create an account

Create an account on our site so you can manage your subtitles. You can do it here.

2. Upload subtitles

Upload and manage your subtitles. Learn how to do it in this tutorial.

3. Thank you!

Thank you for your contribution! Because of you more people can now enjoy the video.

“ The reason I made Comma Subs is to share enjoyment in multiple languages. V Live used to have a feature where anyone could translate videos on the site. After V Live merged with Weverse and shutdown at the end of 2022 Weverse never brought the feature back. Weverse recently started offering paid digital membership that would include machine translations so I don't have my hopes up that they will ever bring it back. ”

Creator of Comma Subs